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Do you know your menstrual cycle?

Knowing your cycle is key when you want to get pregnant. A regular and orderly cycle is a
sign of the current health of your reproductive system and regulated hormones.

Both are manifested in regular ovulation, which is a prerequisite for conception.


The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation. Menstruation then usually lasts from 3 to 7 days.

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the body sends a signal to the brain to start producing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), the main hormone for producing mature eggs. Follicles are fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. There is one immature egg in each follicle. The hormone FSH stimulates many follicles to mature and start producing the hormone estrogen. Estrogen levels are at their lowest on the first day of menstruation, and then begin to rise slowly.

Usually one follicle becomes "dominant" and the egg breaks away from it as the follicle grows. High estrogen levels are also associated with sperm-friendly mucus (also called cervical mucus). You can notice it as a thin, mucous discharge from the vagina, which can be white in color. Sperm can travel through this mucus more easily and survive for up to several days.


Ovulation is a process that occurs once in each menstrual cycle when hormonal changes stimulate the ovaries to release an egg. This usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the next period.

As you approach ovulation, your body produces increasing amounts of a hormone called estrogen, which thickens the uterine lining and helps create a friendly environment for sperm. These high levels of estrogen trigger a sudden surge in another hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH). The so-called surge of the LH hormone causes the egg to be released from the ovaries, and that's when you ovulate. When a couple is in the family planning phase, it is therefore very important for them to know when a woman is most fertile and to adjust sexual relations accordingly. Ovulation is key to conception and allows healthy sperm to fertilize an egg that matures in a woman's body each month.

Ovulation usually occurs 24 to 36 hours after the LH surge, so detecting this hormone can be a good predictor of your most fertile days. There are several ways of forecasting; some women pay attention to physical signs and listen to their body, but if you are not completely sure, we suggest daily ovulation tests.

An egg can be fertilized up to 24 hours after ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus breaks down and regular menstruation begins. This is the beginning of the next cycle.

Ways to recognize the signs of ovulation

The key to getting pregnant is to correctly understand and recognize when is the right time for intercourse that will lead to conception. This is why it is so important for a woman to know and monitor her body, because only then will she know when the optimal time is and whether she is ready. Often the reason that conception does not occur is the absence of ovulation. Below are the ways you can check or ovulate:

Counting the days

Counting days is the easiest method, assuming you have a regular menstrual cycle, that is, your period has been repeating itself for a similar number of days for at least 12 months. In doing so, subtract 12 to 16 days from this number of days. These days are the most fertile days. If menstruation repeats every 30 days, then the most fertile days are on average between the 14th and 18th day of the cycle.

Body temperature measurement

Before you get up in the morning, take your body temperature daily - preferably always at the same time, with the same thermometer and in the same place. With correct measurement, at the end of the cycle in which ovulation occurred, you will find that the morning body temperature fluctuated on two levels: in the second half of the cycle, it was at least 0.2ºC higher than in the first part of the cycle. The increase in basal body temperature is caused by progesterone, which is secreted by the corpus luteum after ovulation.

Research has shown that the temperature rises the day before ovulation or at the latest two days after it. We speak of an increase in basal body temperature when all the values of the last three measurements are higher than the values of the previous six measurements. The temperature remains elevated until the start of menstruation, and its drop usually means that we will have menstruation that day. If the temperature has been elevated for more than 18 days and if menstruation has not yet occurred, it is very likely that pregnancy has occurred.

Therefore, measuring the temperature cannot predict ovulation in advance, but it can help us determine whether it has occurred. It is important not to jump to conclusions based on just one month, but to measure over a longer period of time. In this way, you can predict when you will ovulate and also see if you ovulate regularly.

Cervical mucus 

Cervical mucus is a very good indicator of approaching ovulation. Both the structure and appearance of the cervical mucus changes throughout the entire menstrual cycle. A sign of approaching ovulation is when the structure of the uterine mucus changes from thick and creamy to the structure of raw egg white - that is, transparent, watery, wet and elastic. The reason is the rising level of estrogen as the body prepares to release the egg. The unwritten rule is that if you're not sure when you ovulate, start having sex as soon as the cervical mucus starts to look like egg white. You can also do a quick test at home; if the mucus stretches between your fingers, then you are ovulating. On the day of ovulation, only this is the most flexible and rich, and immediately after it ends, it becomes cloudy and dries up.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Some women also feel ovulation with pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

The position of the cervix

During ovulation, the position of the cervix also changes. If you choose this method, take care of hygiene and check the position every day at about the same time. The easiest way to do this is while squatting, as this is the easiest way to reach with your fingers. Pay particular attention to the position and humidity of the cervix. During the first half of the cycle, the cervix will be relatively hard to the touch, dry and easy to reach. As ovulation approaches, the neck will become softer, wetter, the entrance itself is more open and the position of the cervix is higher (harder to reach). When ovulation occurs, the cervix is at its highest point (hard to reach, the very entrance to the cervix is open and wet to the touch), you are in your most fertile time and very close to ovulation. After ovulation, the cervix dries up and closes again.

But if you don't trust yourself at all, we suggest you choose one of the methods below.

Ovulation tests

Their advantage is ease of use, availability (they are available in every drugstore or store) and accuracy. A woman can only check fertility in the privacy of her home and easily read the result. The tests themselves work on the principle of measuring the luteinizing hormone in a woman's urine. Its value increases before ovulation, so in the case of a positive test, you have a window of up to 36 hours when ovulation should occur. In this way, you can plan sexual intercourse even better and increase the possibility of conception.

Saliva test

The principle behind the saliva test is to measure increased salt content, which is an indicator of elevated estrogen levels. When you look through a microscope, you should see large interlocking crystal patterns at the time of ovulation caused by the increase in estrogen levels. Women also cite the advantages compared to ovulation tests, that it is a one-time purchase and thus a more economical version and as much as 98% accuracy. The small device for examining saliva, which looks like a mini microscope, can be washed and is ready to be used again. Just reading the result is a little more difficult or you need to get used to it.


Knowing your cycle and ovulation is important because during ovulation are your fertile days. These are the days when you can get pregnant and we are only talking about 3 to 4 days per month. That's why it's important to ovulate and know when you ovulate. By correctly planning sexual intercourse during fertile days, you are well on your way to becoming pregnant.

At the same time, don't forget that you have approximately 20% chance of getting pregnant each month. Be patient and take care of your health and fertility now.

FertilUp for women is a combination of vitamins and minerals that have a proven effect on fertility (zinc) and general health (immune system, less fatigue, helps against oxidative stress, etc.). Vitamin B6 is important because it regulates the functioning of hormones and is important when your cycle is irregular or you do not ovulate. FertilUp for women is intended to support the body when planning a pregnancy (it also contains folic acid) and when you have been trying for a while and would like to support fertility. 

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