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Irregular cycle and conception?

Research shows that women with irregular cycles are less likely to get pregnant compared to women who have regular cycles.

The reason lies in knowing the cycle and time of ovulation. If your cycle is regular, it is easier to predict when you ovulate. If the period of the cycle changes, it is difficult to predict ovulation and this complicates the entire path to conception.

Women's menstrual cycles usually vary in length. An average menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days long, and cycles ranging from 24 to 38 days are also considered normal.

Menstruation is generally considered irregular if the menstrual cycle is considered to be shorter than 24 days or longer than 38 days and with periods in which the length of the cycle varies by more than 9 days.

Hormonal imbalances are the most common reason for irregular periods. It is a combination of luteinizing hormone (LSH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estrogen and progesterone; all these hormones have an effect on the cycle. Hormonal imbalance is expressed in an irregular cycle.

Hormonal balance is also influenced by external factors.

High or low BMI (body mass index)
An extremely high BMI or obesity can be the cause of other underlying medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hypothyroidism, which are also known to cause irregular periods. Being overweight or underweight is associated with a higher incidence of menstrual irregularities, anovulation and infertility. 

Excessive exercise
Fertility experts advise against rigorous and high-intensity exercise when trying to conceive, as it can negatively affect a woman's chances of conceiving. Research shows that intense exercise can cause menstrual irregularities and anovulation. 

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting women of reproductive age and is the number one cause of anovulatory infertility.

Age – perimenopause
Age is a factor that greatly affects female fertility. Already after the age of 30, it begins to decline rapidly, which can be seen in the lower number of ovulations and poorer egg quality. A key factor is that estrogen and progesterone levels naturally decrease, which can cause irregular ovulation and periods.

Certain medications can cause menstrual cycle disturbances and irregular periods (hormone replacement therapy, blood thinners, antidepressants, chemotherapy drugs, etc.)

A guide to getting pregnant fast and naturally with irregular periods

Irregular periods make it difficult for women to conceive. The main reason women with irregular periods have difficulty conceiving is that uncertainty about the length of the monthly cycle makes it difficult to track ovulation.

Without ovulation, there is no fertilization of the egg and no conception. If you have sex during your fertile days, the chance of getting pregnant is significantly higher. During a woman's cycle, there is a time known as the fertile window, which refers to the few days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. Having sex every other day during this time period helps to increase the chances of conception.

An irregular menstrual cycle can also be a sign of irregular ovulation. Some women ovulate at different times each month or not for several months, so it's important to track your cycle and ovulation.

Tracking ovulation and correct timing of intercourse
Ovulation is most easily monitored with home tests of saliva or through urine. A fairly reliable sign is also when the cervical mucus becomes more transparent and sticky. Ovulation tracking allows couples to have sex at the right time.

Simple exercise
The benefits of light exercise for overall health and fertility are well known. For irregular periods and ovulation, light exercises such as yoga, walking, and stretching help clear blockages that impede blood flow.

Reducing stress and prolonging sleep
Stress is known to have a negative effect on fertility, and having trouble conceiving or worrying about irregular periods only causes more stress. Research shows that stress is significantly associated with irregular menstrual cycles and that managing stress is an important factor in improving women's reproductive health.  It is also important to get enough rest and sleep.

A healthy lifestyle
When planning a pregnancy, it is essential to choose a healthier lifestyle (no smoking, drugs, alcohol, etc.). Smoking and alcohol are known to cause many health problems and can seriously reduce fertility.

Healthy eating
For fertility and a regulated hormonal balance, we recommend a diet with a high content of unsaturated fats, a moderate amount of protein and a low carbohydrate content.

Research has shown that a fertility diet low in carbohydrates and high in unsaturated fat is associated with a lower risk of ovulatory dysfunction and infertility. In addition, other studies have shown that higher carbohydrate intake is associated with a higher chance of ovulatory infertility. 

Food supplements for fertility - FertilUp®

Taking fertility supplements is one of the best ways to improve your fertility. The vitamins and nutrients included in fertility supplements play a vital role in women's health and are essential for menstruation and ovulation. FertilUp for woman will provide support to your body during fertility issues or just a boost when you decide it is the right time to conceive.

Ensure intake of B vitamins, coenzyme Q10, folate, fish oil (Omega-3), vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc.

Vitamin B6 plays a role in regulating the functioning of hormones and is indispensable when we want to regulate our hormonal balance. Zinc has a role in fertility. Folic acid intake is also important during the pregnancy planning phase. Vitamin C has a role in keeping your immune system strong.

Patience. Nutritional supplements are more friendly to the body than drugs and thus require a longer time for the body to react optimally to them (in the case of FertilUp, we recommend taking it for at least 3 months).

We also recommend

  • FertilUp for Men + Omega-3
    1-month package (30 days)
    56,90€  51,95€
  • FertilUp for Women + Omega-3
    1-month package (30 days)
    56,90€  51,95€
  • 3x FertilUp for men + 3x Omega-3
    3-month package (90 days)
    170,70€  139,95€
  • FertilUp for both
    FertilUp for women & FertilUp for men
    61,11€  53,30€
  • 3x FertilUp for women + 3x Omega-3
    3-month package (90 days)
    170,70€  139,95€
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